It looks like this summer will be the summer of doing things I've never done before. So to start with, Friday was dinner at the Tribeca Grill . It was lovely, as far as restaurants go, a good old standby of creative yummy food, sexy low lighting but alas, no Robert de Niro or other such Tribeca-ish sightings, and really without those extras, the restaurant is like any other in town, I know I know, but it's true.
After dinner, my companion and I moseyed on down to see Mood Enhancer, a series of shorts at the Tribeca Film Festival . Again, something I've never done before! It was touted as the “porno” shorts, but whoever said that must be dead down there, cuz not only was it not sexy or porny, it was actually just C R A P. It takes a lot for me to walk out of a movie theatre, but I couldn't take the didactic, facile, story lines and the cheesy car commercial-y looking filming style and soundtracks. Boo hiss.
I'm going to skip recounting Saturday –this isn't a diary, after all.

Kate and I are learning it is essential we get over our hermit, antisocial ways and hustle our bustles around town a bit more. So with that in mind, we hauled our tired asses over to PS1 (ANOTHER place I've never been before) to meet our friend Caroline of Uluru NY, and see her friend Sebastien Derenoncourt speak on his contribution to the new art book Sonneteer. The publisher, Front Forty Press, was doing a showcase of it's recently released titles, which included some really interesting stuff by the likes of Matt Valla and the awesomest beatboxing performance by Yuri Lane, it was A-MAZING to watch him, I never cease to be stunned by a really talented beatboxer, it's like watching a magician perform, you stare and stare trying to see what his secret is, where he's hiding that THING, and the whole time you're just giddy. Then he threw in a harmonica and confounded me even more.
Highlights at the museum were the Vic Muniz room. I've always loved his stuff and finally got to see the Medusa Marinara in person, which was very very satisfying and makes me giggle.
Years ago at a Whitney Biennial, I fell for the drawings of
Ernesto Caivano, and then there he was at the museum, having decorated one of the stairways.

Then Kate and Caroline and I were utterly blown away by the photography of Tom Sandberg. His work is stunning. The style is spare and smooth, consistent and enchanting, each image a simple, contemplative gem. Some are sexy as hell, some are sad as hell –all are beautiful. And the space was perfect for the images, the installation simple and subtle. I highly recommend it.
Afterwards we were supposed to meet up with Sebastien and crew at the Bohemian Beer Garden to pound Hefe-Weizen and eat brats , but, after
1. Getting lost in Astoria
2. Getting carded and not having our IDs (second freaking time this weekend!)
We had to pass up the mythic, infamous garden for some weird little
Greek spot with a gigantor mixed grill and mousaka platter.
All in all a bleedin' good weekend –We’re wiped out.