In England prat is an insulting word, like, “Oh yeah, you’re gonna step on my toe on the tube and not say sorry, bog off, you prat.” So whenever I heard mention of the school here of the same name, I’d always chuckle to myself the same way I chuckle when people talk about sticking their finger in a dyke, or old ladies talk of having a gay old time –I think I spend too much time with old ladies and their old turns of phrase.
But I digress.
I’m so so proud to announce that my dear Kate is going to be a teacher at Pratt, as will my dear sexpot pal Sheree and her handsome beau Rashid, and their darling preggers friend Steph. Looks like our torturous time at SAIC is finally going to pay off.
Kate thinks I should guest lecture one class, I think that’s a bad idea but I’ll do it. I was always a bit of a ball buster TA back in grad school, super up tight with the super loose and grumpy art students. I can teach Muay Thai, and love to -be patient and encouraging, but art kids can sometimes pluck me last nerve. Still, there is something very exciting about teaching. It’s like parenting (I imagine) you’re ever so slightly fueled by the mistakes of your teachers (parents) and base a lot of your actions on NOT doing what they did. Might not be so healthy but it’s a place to start.
Kate on the other hand is an incredibly adept teacher. She's so patient and knows a ton. She's going to be great.
The provost at Pratt (hehe) also asked if we’d participate in an open studio visit with incoming freshmen. So next week we have a 2 hour block set aside when the little kiddlingtons will come over to be sorely disappointed by the minuteness and grubbiness of our little office (actually we've been rebuilding and it's starting to look really good). I have to say I am eager though, feel like I’ve learned a lot in these two years of our business, enough to have some basic useful insights.
1 comment:
When I get drunk, I ask hot, creative types if they'd like to be my 'art teacher'. Go get em Kate!!
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