Clearly we're not feeling it.
Well, requisite updates are as follows:
-Pick up the current issues of URB and Print to spy some of our pretty pics.
-If you're in London, pick up the Numero Uno homo mag, you can't miss it, our shot of Heloise + the SF is on the cover.
-I am off to Espana to see la famiglia and get some Euro to balance out my American.
-Miss USA pageants are 1 ounce of semen away from porno.
-Does anyone out there draw like Tom of Finland? Cuz I need you.
-Revelation of the month: Being is the miracle of life, doing is the miracle of LIVING.
-So, with that in mind, what are you going to do?
Meditate on this:

And don't be so hard on yourself.
Love love and more love.
I saw Tom's work at the Charles Cowles gallery in 2006.. sadly, I don't know of anyone who can draw like him. Post a want ad in craigslist, you'll get responses from all sorts of doodlers. And, I was Nancy in Oliver, and got it every night from a bloke like that. Smiles...
keep a bloggin. :)
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