Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dirty words

It used to be -feminist- was one. Thankfully only idiots now shy at being on that bandwagon.

Elitist, a very different kind of ist to the above, but it's also one of those words that's dangerous to use.

Point is, it's depressing that someone who's intelligent, articulate and doesn't put on a fake southern accent to "fit in", is considered an elitist.

Like that's a bad thing...

I've seen way better expressions of elitism Obama's just not being a loser.



Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

If you talk about yoursel in terms of "intelligent" and "articulate" chances are that you probably are elitist, as you're alreay showing a tendency to think yourself superior to others by comparison.

I'm just sayin'...


Camilla said...

Hi Burt, nice to meet you.

Being intelligent and articulate doesn't render one superior.

Superiority complexes are a state of mind just as commonly found among dumb-asses as smarty pants.

I think it's cool that Obama is both, and anyway, he's not calling himself either. The point of the linked article is that he IS those things, and people are threatened by it, so they call him elitist.

I believe intelligence and the ability to be articulate should be aspired to by all, not be shamed, downplayed or insulted.

Tongue in cheek as it may be, I truly think that there are way more interesting ways of being elitist than being smart.
