The Collector's Guide is an invite only, unique 180–page source book distributed to collectors, art dealers, gallery directors, photo editors, museum professionals, and independent curators. Published biennially, The Collector's Guide aims to further Humble's mission by bridging the gap between ambitious early-career photographers and often-unapproachable photography professionals and art institutions.
Ideally, the 163 photographers featured in this publication will move on to find their work in private collections, represented by reputable galleries and included in group exhibitions. The Collector's Guide will also serve as a resource for photo editors, helping to attract assignments to featured photographers.
The Collector's Guide is not a traditional consumer-based art photography book. Instead, this source book is a complimentary guide for collectors and photography industry professionals.
Release date: March 3, 2009
Featured photographers: 163
Print run: 5,000
Trim Size: 10.25 x 13 in.
Binding: Perfect bound (softcover)
Pages: 180
An exclusive edition of 100 books are available for pre-order. The books retail at $49.95 plus tax and shipping.
Collectors, art dealers, gallery directors, photo editors, museum professionals, independent curators and press, please send an email to: tcgeap@hafny.org to be considered for our complimentary VIP mailing list. Please include your full name, company, title, address, city, state and zip in the email.
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