Kate here! Bwahahaha! Slowing down has been a theme these days...
I was trying to explain to someone the other day why to take a picture of one thing rather than another. I was trying to explain why it wouldn't look the same way through the camera as it looked to her eye and that so much of image making has to do with slowing down of the process of seeing. You have to think about the way your brain sees and then try to make your completely deficient camera/lens apparatus replicate the result. All of the synapses firing, all of the rods and cones, all of the associations made as the image travels deeper into the cerebral cortex and disperses through the brain; all of this needs to be synthesized into focal lengths, apertures and watt seconds.
When you have a partner, a collaborator, all of this needs to happen in unison. This is something Camilla and I take for granted. The kateandcamilla brain, operating on it's own with it's own associations, color and technical preferences takes over. Yet every once in a while, everything comes to a grinding halt. Milla's ego races off in one direction and mine trots off in another. This is when the complexity of this process is illuminated. The light reminds Milla of Egypt and me of my mom and I have an idea I see in black and white only to look over my shoulder to find Milla pumping up the saturation. Over lunch yesterday, a friend told me about this. It reminded me a little of what we're trying to do here. Slow it down and suss it our for us and for you.
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