As some of you know, I'm preparing for the World Kickboxing Association Amateur Nationals. This means lots of training, and it can be very hard to fit it in with our erratic work schedule. Saturday was spent making up for a lot of missed work-outs, doing pad work (kicking and punching with a partner holding big punch pads -for those of you who don't know), followed by cardio and bag work. Afterwards I got my hair cut, a task I would really rather do without, but I don't think I can pull off a shaved head, so I best get used to it.
I walked around the Lower East Side all afternoon in the breezy cold sun, ate the most delectable malted chocolate ice cream at Il Laboratorio del Gelato THEN bought the best $2 dumplings in town and watched the neighbourhood kids play baseball. The one pitching (pictured below) was the most marvelous, precocious little shit. He was the tiniest one of the bunch but threw like a monster. He'd wind up, in an almost theatrical way, then BAM, pitch it so hard and fast the kids would strike out every time.

Every Monday, Kate and I walk to work together. We call it our "walk and talk". A time to brainstorm, plan the week, catch up on the weekend, and do easy business. Each time we take a different route. These are some snaps of our walk today.

Brooklyn, rotten, beautiful, Brooklyn.
I love the idea of a walk and talk! When I have me a business partner and our own office, I'm gonna snatch that tradition.
Follow the "walk and talk link...Pedeconferencing..who knew?
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