I've become an insomniac.
This has something to do with the fight. The other fighters have complained of the same thing. I feel slow and heavy-footed when I spar and keep getting hurt. I also keep breaking down. Too emotional. This has got to stop. My head is still in the wrong place. Up my ass. Which might explain why my neck injury keeps on coming back to haunt me.
I was feeling so good, ready to fight and now I can't turn my head again.
I really need to get this injury OUT of me. I've been getting weekly massages, but apparently that wasn't enough. My chiro is on permanent vacation so it's back to accupuncture until I can find a back cracker I can trust.
Tonight is Bikram class, I'm hoping that'll fix me up until I can make it to the needle lady. I haven't done hot yoga in ages. Should be good.
Yes, I think it's apparent -I'm sleepy-brain-dead.
Just look at the pictures...
x and o

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