Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It’s all about the palm fronds!

Another stellar Uluru shoot, this time incorporating a little plant life.

The Uluru shoot crew has become a well-oiled machine. A well oiled machine that chit chats and dawdles a lot and STILL gets the job done.

None of us would claim to be girlie girls but jiminey crickets stick us in a room together and all we seem to want to talk about is birth and home-making and the like.

I’ll spare you the gory details.

A highlight of the day would be Kate and I truly, fully, with velocity and force, HEAD-BUTTING. Oh me god, it hurt. Was not intentional but was very funny. I think we’re finally trying to enter each other’s brain, or fuse our skulls or merge auras or something.

I’ve been a little hyper lately.


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