This is Andrea. She was our model on Friday. That's one of Levi's pieces. Andrea was on America's Next Top Model -If only for the first episode of "cycle" 6 (and you know how much Kate and I love anything ANTM). She said she cried a lot during filming cuz she was homesick. She got a bit weepy at our studio as well. She was there early; it was her VERY first day in NYC, her very first job here too. She was already getting homesick. Poor dear. At least with all that homesickness, she managed to gather herself together and do a really amazing job.
The genuine and talented Amy Lin did hair and make up. She's freaking amazing at what she does, and it's bloody hard to find a MUA who also does hair. She really rocks. I want to work with her all the time.
I'm always surprised at people who are mystified by my collaboration with Kate.
We called a printer last week, to get our business cards done, and she said, “ Kate AND Camilla, and they want the SAME card…?” As if it was the weirdest thing she’d ever heard of. Did they say that to Mr. Merrill and Signor Lynch?
When we were applying to grad school, they wanted to know if we expected to have both our names put onto one diploma. Don't you have to study Gilbert and George in fart school?
My father always has a hard time understanding why Kate and I need one another, the best parallel I could come up for him was, “Baba, could Gilbert have written The Mikado without Sullivan? Didn’t Sonny kind of suck without Cher? Can you imagine Starsky without Hutch?” I think that got through to him...
There are:
Inez and Vinoodh
Fischli and Weiss
Floto and Warner
Pierre et Gilles
Mert and Marcus
I’m sure I’m forgetting plenty more, and that’s just in contemporary photo.
My point is collaborations are everywhere and collaborations happen to varying degrees. For instance without the above-mentioned model and MUA, the shoot would never have happened.
The question of authorship is an entirely other ball of wax. How many hands painted the Sistine Chapel, or the bitch fest about how many art students it takes to make a Jeff Koons painting.
I think I just forgot my point…..
Um...here's what would happen if Starsky left Hutch:
wouldn't it be just kick ass if you "two" could photograph every single ANTM contestant since Cycle 1. That'd be a fab project. You do that, must must contact me to document it! ;-)
I think I remember that chick. It's good she left the show...Jade would have eaten her ass alive.
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