So, I have my hair braided. I look like a brown Viking. It's already coming undone.
I was off weight by 4lbs this morning but after spending the past half hour jumping rope on my roof in the sauna suit (read: over-priced rubbish bag with sleeves) I'm only 2 away. I can sleep easy.
My fight-mate Micro Deb would appreciate these stats:
Height: 5'7.5".
Body weight: 140lbs.
Body fat: 15.6.
Body water: 58.2.
So it looks like I can handle dropping some water weight and not be too screwed. Thank goodness weigh-in is the day before the fight. Pass the Pedialyte.
Acupuncture has healed my shoulder. Arnica has masked my bruises. Neosporin has closed the cuts inside my nose. Bikram has taught me to breath and let loose. Gavin has had me clean and pressing 85lbs and chucking big ass kettle bells. Tal has been my partner in pad work and armchair philosophising. Jose has been my leg sparring nemesis. Macro Deb, Kristin, Kathryn, Nathalie and Micro Deb, the coolest, most inspiring, dedicated, sparring partners in town. Kate has been dear enough to listen to me talk of nothing NOTHING other than boxing for the past I dunno 8 weeks. Con has been the T-Shirt Master. A massage tonight will seal what has been the most marvelous, revelatory, life changing few months of my life.
There's nothing more that can be done other than rehydrate, eat, suit up in my shiny pink shorts, strap down my boobies, slip in my mouth guard and let everything I’ve been doing come out, fly out and hopefully knock out.
Goodness. I'm excited.
I’ll let you know how it goes.

Didn't Con do an amazing job with the shirts!?!